Only 39 days to the election and the momentum and endorsements for Prop 24 continue unabated. Let’s look at what happened this week!
SF Chronicle Front Page Analysis of Prop 24
The San Francisco Chronicle published on their front page this past week a detailed analysis of Proposition 24. The headline to the article was quite unambiguous: “California’s Proposition 24 would protect data-privacy law from being weakened in Legislature.”

The article highlighted how industry tried hard to water down California’s 2018 privacy law, and how Prop 24 is designed to add more privacy protections for Californians while stopping special interests from messing with our privacy laws. A key quote from the article was the following:

“Yes on Prop 24” Commentary in San Diego Tribune
On September 24th, author of The New York Times bestseller “Zucked: Waking Up To The Facebook Catastrophe” and Silicon Valley venture capitalist Roger McNamee wrote an opinion in the San Diego Union Tribune arguing Prop 24 would strengthen consumer privacy laws in California.

His analysis included the following:
“Proposition 24 plugs many holes in CCPA. It provides the right to prevent the collection of unnecessary data, restrictions on transfers of personal data, penalties for the loss of email addresses due to negligence, the right to correct your data, an opt-out of the use of precise geolocation and other highly sensitive information like health, race and sexual orientation, new standards for high-risk processors of data and transparency around automated decision-making. Collectively, the many new benefits of Proposition 24 do not go as far as I think society must go in reining in the giant personal data aggregation industry, but that is not a reasonable argument against passage. In a world where microtargeting is being used to undermine the nation’s pandemic response, to suppress votes in the presidential election, to lure consumers into online groups promoting conspiracy theories and to spread hate, we should all embrace Proposition 24 for what it is: a timely step forward in consumer protection.”
Here is Roger’s executive summary of Prop 24:

Prop 24 Podcast Shoutout
We were pleased to see Prop 24 getting a nice shoutout in the Rethinking Humanity Podcast whose latest episode discussed the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma. Prop 24’s focus on privacy rights directly ties in with the topics covered in the documentary that explores the negative impact of social media on our democracy and with children in particular. [This blog will cover The Social Dilemma & Prop 24 in a future blog.] Click the image below to hear the relevent discussion from this podcast on how Prop 24 would have a significant impact in blunting the excesses of social media vis a vis the use of our sensitive personal information to shape our opinions and actions.

California State Senators Support Prop 24
We were frankly amazed at the outpouring of support for Prop 24 by leading California State Senators. On September 23, the following State Senators announced their support for Prop 24: Ben Allen, Bill Dodd, Lena Gonzalez, Connie Leyva, Bill Monning, Nancy Skinner, Robert Hertzberg, and Scott Wiener. See below for some supporting quotes:

New Blog Post
One of more significant blog posted was posted this week: a look at the 20 ways Prop 24 expands privacy rights compared to current California privacy law. We urge you to check it out!
Upcoming Prop 24 Webinar
Don’t forget our webinar is next week on 10/1 at 10 a.m. PST. Click on the image below to learn more and register.

And Finally, New Prop 24 Ad!
Our first online/digital/TV ad came out very late in the week and will begin running this upcoming weekend. Given that this is late breaking news, we will cover more of it in next week’s review, but for our readers … here it is!
Ballots are being mailed out starting next week, so don’t forget to Vote YES on Privacy and Vote YES on Prop 24!