Today is Sunday November 1st, and we are 2 days from election day! The Yes on Prop 24 campaign showed even more momentum with key endorsements from political leaders such as San Francisco Mayor London Breed as well as newspaper opinion pieces published in publications ranging from the LA Times and SF Chronicle to the Stanford Daily. And Yes on 24 tallied more newspaper endorsements. Let’s give you a quick tour of what happened this past week!

SF Mayor London Breed Endorses Prop 24
San Francisco Mayor London Breed is a Yes on Prop 24 to better protect Californians against online racial profiling. Here is what she had to say:

“Prop 24 is an Easy ‘Yes’ to Protect Internet Privacy”
LA Times columnist George Skelton published a new column in support of Prop 24, the California privacy ballot measure, telling voters: “Prop. 24 is an easy ‘yes’ to protect internet privacy.”
Skelton on Prop 24:
“Bottom line: It would attempt to protect your privacy from the internet monster that profits off people’s personal data.”
“Proposition 24 tries to control the nosy internet elves who capture your personal information and peddle it to businesses so they can target you with online ads, among other things.”

Bob Hertzberg: “Give consumers back their power over data breaches”
State Senate Majority Leader Bob Hertzberg penned an opinion piece in the Orange County Register and the Long Beach Press-Telegram stating:
The downside to the convenience online technology offers comes from information we share. The digital world is littered with online traps that make us vulnerable to data breaches that could compromise our most sensitive information — or worse. That’s why I am asking you to vote YES on Proposition 24 – to help consumers take back control of our own data, and provide enforcement against data breaches
Stanford Daily Opinion Piece: Proposition 24 puts power back in the hands of consumers
A great opinion piece appeared in the Stanford Daily regarding Prop 24. Here is what it had to say:
This ballot measure will bring the greatest benefit to the children of California, who are exceptionally vulnerable to privacy violations by tech firms. The measure increases the fines for illegal use of children’s data three-fold, ensuring that tech and data platforms are upholding the highest standards of privacy and efficacy in dealing with children’s data. For a generation that has grown up in the digital age, spending most of their lives online, it is vital that Proposition 24 is passed to ensure all children are protected from exploitative practices and that they have the right to self-determination in the digital age. Children deserve it.
Big Tech platforms like Google, Facebook and Twitter effectively own a monopoly over the tech industry by engaging in freedom-destroying practices under the guise of capitalism, called “surveillance capitalism.” Their goal is not humanitarian in nature; rather, they seek to standardize and increase the efficiency of human behavior. They exploit our personal information and right to self-determination by placing bets on behavioral future markets — bets that profit by predicting what you and I might do in the future given our past behavior on platforms. Proposition 24 is a safeguard against these exploitative practices and ultimately means greater freedom for all Californians.
Big Tech platforms now pose an existential threat to our cherished rights in the digital age. California has the chance to lead the country in Big Tech regulation and technology policy through the passage of the measure. Proposition 24 takes power away from Big Tech firms, which dominate so many aspects of our lives, and places power where it rightfully belongs: in the hands of the people and consumers.
And it concludes with:
For privacy, for children and for freedom, the Student Privacy Committee pleads to all eligible Californian voters: Vote yes on Proposition 24. It is the first step forward in what will be a long-term fight for greater privacy and power in the digital age. Let’s win this fight, together.
Consumer Reports Opinion Piece: “Protect your privacy rights by voting yes on California’s Prop. 24”
Finally, Maureen Mahoney from Consumer Reports wrote this opinion piece in the SF Chronicle that stated that Prop 24 is key to protecting your privacy rights. She writes:
For now, Prop. 24 offers significant benefits to consumers seeking to protect their privacy online. Californians should vote yes on the measure, and continue to push for even stronger privacy laws in California — and throughout the nation.

Additional Black Media Outlets Endorse Prop 24
Two additional Black Media outlets here in California endorsed Prop 24, bring the total of Black Media outlets endorsing Prop 24 to seven. The new endorsers included Our Weekly (Los Angeles) and the Post News Group.

Don’t Forget to Vote!
Friendly reminder to please Vote! And when it comes to fill in that circle for Prop 24, remember to Vote Yes on Privacy and Vote Yes on Prop 24!