Another busy week of endorsements and momentum behind Prop 24. Plus, a #DataPrivacyDance!

Here are some of the highlights:
Sacramento Bee and Fresno Bee Endorse Prop 24
The Yes on Prop 24 received a critically important endorsement from the Sacramento Bee and Fresno Bee editorial board, which wrote: “We encourage all skeptical voters to review the ballot arguments carefully before deciding. But Prop. 24 is a step forward for digital privacy protections. The Sacramento Bee Editorial Board recommends a yes vote on Prop. 24.”

Below are excerpts from the piece:
“Proposition 24, also known as the California Privacy Rights Act, would strengthen California’s landmark digital privacy law.”
“Prop. 24 will require tech companies to refrain from sharing a consumer’s data if it receives a request from the consumer. It will strengthen the state’s law requiring companies to provide an opt-out for people who don’t want those companies to share their sensitive personal information with marketers or advertisers. It would also protect kids by requiring tech companies to seek permission from an adult before harvesting data from children under the age of 13.”
They also offer this about the opposition:
“Opponents of the measure claim it will weaken the CCPA, but we don’t buy it. Mactaggart is clearly dedicating his time and money to strengthening California’s privacy laws. Why he would push a strong law through the Legislature and then seek to undo it two years later?”
San Jose Mercury News Publishes Editorial by Shoshana Zuboff
Shoshana Zuboff, award-winning author of “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism” and featured privacy expert in the Netflix documentary “The Social Dilemma,” published a piece in the San Jose Mercury News arguing Prop 24 would allow Californians to regain privacy rights. This is an opinion piece independently written and submitted to the Mercury News, and was accepted and published by the newspaper.

Notable quotes included:
“We watch as Big Tech’s power grows more intrusive during these last sad, scary months of pandemic, protests and electioneering. The lessons are clear: We walk naked through a new digital century, without the rights, legislative frameworks and new institutions that can harness digital technologies to the genuine needs of people and democracy. Prop. 24 answers this call.”
“Each advance builds on the last, just as CPRA now strengthens the 2018 California Consumer Privacy Act. CPRA is necessary not because it is the last word, but because it is the right word today. Each legislative advance brings us closer to a comprehensive new foundation of rights and laws that will enable democracy to flourish in the digital century. I urge Californians to act in solidarity and courage at this crucial juncture, so that a decade hence we can all look back at 2020 as a milestone. Let this be the year that Californians respond to this century’s call by voting yes on Prop. 24.”
Here is what she Tweeted after writing this editorial:
California friends, you’ve had so much grief, but here’s something deeply good happening in your home: #Prop24. It puts CA on the frontier in the fight for a human future and sets the bar for all of us. Please kick this one through the goal! @YesOn24
— Shoshana Zuboff (@shoshanazuboff) October 14, 2020
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Endorses Prop 24
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf announced she is another supporter of Prop 24 which is the measure on the California ballot to strengthen consumer privacy. Hear what she had to say below:

Local Newspapers and Blogs Also Endorse Prop 24
Numerous local newspapers and blog sites also endorsed Prop 24. For example here is Palo Alto Online:
Here is the LA Progressive Voter Guide:
Here is the Independent Voter Guide:

And the LA Daily Journal:
As a follow up to the Prop 24 Rap, here is the #DataPrivacyDance!
#Prop24 #LawnSignPalooza
Thank you to our readers who are sending in their pixs of the Prop 24 lawn signs! It is clearly #TheSignOfPrivacy! Note we have cropped these pictures to protect people’s privacy in terms of their houses and/or cars. Deeds and words!