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CCPA 2.0 Makes the Ballot!

CCPA 2.0 Makes the Ballot!

The CPRA will be on the ballot for the November 3 California Statewide General Election, and it appears to have garnered sufficient statewide support to become law …

The Top 12 Ways Prop 24 Significantly Increases Privacy Rights

The Top 12 Ways Prop 24 Significantly Increases Privacy Rights

The protection for children is further strengthened with the addition of stopping the selling and sharing of personal information. Furthermore Prop 24 enables the Privacy Protection Agency to be able level administrative enforcement fines of $7500 per violation of the law …

Data Déjà vu? Data Protection Back On the Ballot in California

Data Déjà vu? Data Protection Back On the Ballot in California

With the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), California seeks to go further in strengthening its consumer data protections. This new law, proposed by the same group that put the CCPA on the ballot, aims to supplement and strengthen the CCPA …

Why I am Voting Yes on Prop 24

Why I am Voting Yes on Prop 24

Prop 24 gives Californians additional online privacy rights (e.g. right to correct personal data, limit use of sensitive personal information such as geolocation data, etc.) while creating a new regulatory agency — the California Privacy Protection Agency (PPA) — that will better protect Californians against firms that collect, share and sell our personal data …

CCPA 2.0 Gets Closer to Reality! But How Does it Compare to GDPR?

CCPA 2.0 Gets Closer to Reality! But How Does it Compare to GDPR?

The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) is a new ballot initiative designed to improve upon the CCPA. It is designed to enhance – rather than replace – the CCPA and includes additional protections for California residents as well as some updates designed to correct issues with the original bill …

Proposed “California Privacy Rights Act” Explained (with Redline)

Proposed “California Privacy Rights Act” Explained (with Redline)

The California Privacy Rights Act (the “CPRA”) has enough signatures to qualify for inclusion in California’s November 2020 ballot. Though we still await the California AG’s final regulations on the CCPA, the CPRA would build upon the CCPA to impose additional requirements …